About Us
For nearly a hundred years, the law firm of Gross Welch Marks Clare has worked to provide a full spectrum of legal services for all types of lawsuits and legal situations. Gross Welch Marks Clare, represents both individuals and businesses with compassion and respect, striving for an overarching goal of bringing peace of mind and simplicity to clients.
A Full Service Law Firm focused on the details that matter most.
Gross Welch Marks Clare strives to provide peace of mind and build strong relationships with clients. Our business lawyers view themselves as no different than an in-house counsel. Our family law team is familiar with the struggles that divorce and custody disputes can bring and understand that above all else family law is a deeply emotional struggle. The same is true when dealing with life’s greatest certainty: the need for estate planning; our team has become adept in planning to meet all possible needs and desires, while also assisting with guiding the biggest risks and pitfalls facing individuals as they age. In the litigation realm our trial lawyers evaluate each case, and determine the strengths and weaknesses so that they are able to achieve the best possible results for clients.
Brand Story
Our new brand was created when the firms Gross & Welch and Marks, Clare, Richards merged. We wanted a logo that symbolized the additional value our clients would receive as a result of this merger. We also wanted to signify that together our firms were greater than the sum of its parts. To achieve this artwork in as minimal a way as possible, we created a mark that combined the “plus” (+) and “greater than” (>) symbols.